
Bond Manufacturing - Stainless Steel Patio Heater

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Add both needed warmth and a glowing soft light, with the clean look and powerful heat production of this Stainless Steel Patio Heater to your backyard seating area. Imagine the chilly evening not ending your fun early, because you now have this 46,000 BTUs producing classic heater creating the warmth to keep the cool evening at bay. Snuggle up under the sofa throw, and share the story about your grandfather, the one that shares a fishing tale that brings laughter to their lips and warmth to their hearts. Let the kids stay up a little later, the neighbors share that last bit of dessert, while not concerned with the brisk Fall or Spring weather. Enjoy knowing that the clean burning propane is not harming the environment, as you revel in having a toasty morning with your inspirational reading. Wheels attach to the back side of the Patio Heater to conveniently move it during the evening, as guests shift from patio table to the gazebo seating area, or other outside activities arise.

Add both needed warmth and a glowing soft light, with the clean look and powerful heat production of this Stainless Steel Patio Heater to your backyard seating area. Imagine the chilly evening not ending your fun early, because you now have this 46,000 BTUs producing classic heater creating the warmth to keep the cool evening at bay. Snuggle up under the sofa throw, and share the story about your grandfather, the one that shares a fishing tale that brings laughter to their lips and warmth to their hearts. Let the kids stay up a little later, the neighbors share that last bit of dessert, while not concerned with the brisk Fall or Spring weather. Enjoy knowing that the clean burning propane is not harming the environment, as you revel in having a toasty morning with your inspirational reading. Wheels attach to the back side of the Patio Heater to conveniently move it during the evening, as guests shift from patio table to the gazebo seating area, or other outside activities arise.

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Certain products, such as those containing lithium batteries, incur a $42.50 Hazardous Materials surcharge per carton when shipped via air. This surcharge is not reflected in our freight quotes.

*The estimated charges are not binding quotes; actual charges may vary from estimates by 5-10% or more based on the product and shipping configuration. Small orders and partial boxes are subject to greater variances due to variability in box size