
Champion - Dual Generator Package - 2000 Watt Inverter

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Package includes two 2000 Watt Inverter Generators and ParaLink Parallel kit quickly and easily installed without tools and includes circuit breakers plus 120V 30A locking and 120V 50A RV outlets. Generators weigh less than 40 lbs. 79cc engine with a quiet 53dBA for up to 11 hours of run time. Power up with recoil start, plus Cold Start Technology ensures a quick start in cold weather. Two covered 120V 20A household outlets (5-20R) plus two handy 2.1A USB ports. Smart Economy mode can reduce electrical load. 3-year limited warranty.

Package includes two 2000 Watt Inverter Generators and ParaLink Parallel kit quickly and easily installed without tools and includes circuit breakers plus 120V 30A locking and 120V 50A RV outlets. Generators weigh less than 40 lbs. 79cc engine with a quiet 53dBA for up to 11 hours of run time. Power up with recoil start, plus Cold Start Technology ensures a quick start in cold weather. Two covered 120V 20A household outlets (5-20R) plus two handy 2.1A USB ports. Smart Economy mode can reduce electrical load. 3-year limited warranty.

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