
Dogness - Travel Pet Water Bottle - Blue

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The Dogness Dog Water Bottle is the ideal travel accessory for dogs that enables you to always have fresh water on hand and is perfect for walking, hiking or just driving around town. Designed with the water supply and drinking trough all in an easy one-handed bottle, this water bottle uses a two-stage replaceable carbon and nano filtration system to eliminate odours and remove impurities. Its leak-proof design means that it can safely travel in your bag or car during your outing, while the specially shaped trough has anti-bacterial properties that keeps your dog's drinking water fresh & clean. To release water, simply press the button located at the front of the bottle and watch the water gently stream into the bowl area and then release the button to stop the flow of water. When finished, hold the bottle upright to allow any remaining water to flow back into the bottle and turn the nozzle to lock it into place.

The Dogness Dog Water Bottle is the ideal travel accessory for dogs that enables you to always have fresh water on hand and is perfect for walking, hiking or just driving around town. Designed with the water supply and drinking trough all in an easy one-handed bottle, this water bottle uses a two-stage replaceable carbon and nano filtration system to eliminate odours and remove impurities. Its leak-proof design means that it can safely travel in your bag or car during your outing, while the specially shaped trough has anti-bacterial properties that keeps your dog's drinking water fresh & clean. To release water, simply press the button located at the front of the bottle and watch the water gently stream into the bowl area and then release the button to stop the flow of water. When finished, hold the bottle upright to allow any remaining water to flow back into the bottle and turn the nozzle to lock it into place.

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