
ElliptiGO - ElliptiGO e11R Elliptical Bike White

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Take the ultimate elliptical cycling experience to the next level with the ElliptiGO e11R Electric Bike. The 11R provides the most comfortable & capable ride. The electric bike model kit kicks it up a notch, adding five levels of pedal assistance and a throttle. With all of that power, you can customize your workout, crank up the hills and expand your horizons.- Carbon fiber drive arms dampen road vibrations- 11 speeds for climbing the steepest hills- Folding steering column for easy transport- Integrated Electric Assist technology with pedal assist

Take the ultimate elliptical cycling experience to the next level with the ElliptiGO e11R Electric Bike. The 11R provides the most comfortable & capable ride. The electric bike model kit kicks it up a notch, adding five levels of pedal assistance and a throttle. With all of that power, you can customize your workout, crank up the hills and expand your horizons.- Carbon fiber drive arms dampen road vibrations- 11 speeds for climbing the steepest hills- Folding steering column for easy transport- Integrated Electric Assist technology with pedal assist

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