
HEAD Bikes - HEAD Terrain L-Twoo R5 Alloy Gravel Bike S GREEN

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The Terrain is a bike with design optimized to tackle the roads in between the roads, the ones that don't show up on your GPS while driving down the interstate. Ride where you didn't know you could -Limestone paths, gravel, dirt, and B-roads plus some singletrack to link it all together. The Terrain is a bike for ALL terrains.Strong, light, and durable Aluminum 6061 alloy was used to withstand the rough roads this bike is made to handle. With the Terrain roads that you thought were off limits to drop-bar bikes are now the ones you will be looking for.

The Terrain is a bike with design optimized to tackle the roads in between the roads, the ones that don't show up on your GPS while driving down the interstate. Ride where you didn't know you could -Limestone paths, gravel, dirt, and B-roads plus some singletrack to link it all together. The Terrain is a bike for ALL terrains.Strong, light, and durable Aluminum 6061 alloy was used to withstand the rough roads this bike is made to handle. With the Terrain roads that you thought were off limits to drop-bar bikes are now the ones you will be looking for.

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