
Hyperice - Core Premium

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The Core Trainer uses lights and vibrations that sync to your meditation sessions to guide you. Core's ECG sensors track your heart rate and HRV while you hold it, returning biometric feedback results after each meditation to show you how your body responds. Core tracks your heart rate, calm and focus over time, and shows your progress as you build mental strength. Take the guess work out of your practiceBiosensors measure & track your stress levels, keeping you motivated to progress on your journey. App guided Companion app available on iOS and Android devices. Access to basic guided meditations, breath training, and soundscapes. Premium onlyExpert instructors keep it fresh Companion app available on iOS and Android devices. Guided meditations by expert instructors released daily. Classes on better sleep, managing stress, positive relationships, and more. Original music sessions for deeper meditation. Includes $69.99/year Premium subscription.

The Core Trainer uses lights and vibrations that sync to your meditation sessions to guide you. Core's ECG sensors track your heart rate and HRV while you hold it, returning biometric feedback results after each meditation to show you how your body responds. Core tracks your heart rate, calm and focus over time, and shows your progress as you build mental strength. Take the guess work out of your practiceBiosensors measure & track your stress levels, keeping you motivated to progress on your journey. App guided Companion app available on iOS and Android devices. Access to basic guided meditations, breath training, and soundscapes. Premium onlyExpert instructors keep it fresh Companion app available on iOS and Android devices. Guided meditations by expert instructors released daily. Classes on better sleep, managing stress, positive relationships, and more. Original music sessions for deeper meditation. Includes $69.99/year Premium subscription.

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