
ISLE Stand Up Paddle Boards - ISLE 10'10 Glider - Seafoam/Peach

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ISLE 10'10 Glider - Seafoam/Peach. This paddle board is crafted with a unique combo of epoxy and wooden veneer, making it the most elegant board we offer. Paired with its unique build, is a planning hull for exceptional use in flatwater paddling, or small to medium surf. This premium wooden SUP board is not only aesthetically pleasing, but it also designed for high performance. It is long and narrow with incredible glide and tracking that works well for rides that transition from flat water to small waves. Includes: Front bungee, liftsup handle, gortex

ISLE 10'10 Glider - Seafoam/Peach. This paddle board is crafted with a unique combo of epoxy and wooden veneer, making it the most elegant board we offer. Paired with its unique build, is a planning hull for exceptional use in flatwater paddling, or small to medium surf. This premium wooden SUP board is not only aesthetically pleasing, but it also designed for high performance. It is long and narrow with incredible glide and tracking that works well for rides that transition from flat water to small waves. Includes: Front bungee, liftsup handle, gortex

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