
Metabo HPT (formerly Hitachi) - 2-1/4 Peak HP Variable Speed Fixed/Plunge Base Router Kit

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Kit includes 11 Amp motor (2-1/4 Peak Horsepower); 2-Stage motor release clamp; Electronic speed control maintains constant RPMs; Class leading noise level only 79.5dB for a quieter workshop; Fine depth adjustment (plunge base) for precise depth control; 1/2" & 1/4" Collet Chucks; Template Guide Adapter; Centering Gauge; 16mm and 23mm Wrenches; 4mm Hex Bar Wrench; Sub Base Plate; Hex Socket HD Bolt M5x10 (10pcs) and carrying case.

Kit includes 11 Amp motor (2-1/4 Peak Horsepower); 2-Stage motor release clamp; Electronic speed control maintains constant RPMs; Class leading noise level only 79.5dB for a quieter workshop; Fine depth adjustment (plunge base) for precise depth control; 1/2" & 1/4" Collet Chucks; Template Guide Adapter; Centering Gauge; 16mm and 23mm Wrenches; 4mm Hex Bar Wrench; Sub Base Plate; Hex Socket HD Bolt M5x10 (10pcs) and carrying case.

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