
Nordic Ware - Cakes and Cupcakes Carrier

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Here's a handy way to serve, store and transport all kids of baked goods. Flat side accommodates rectangular cakes and mini cakes. Reverse side features cupcakes holders. Scalloped red edging snap-up locking handles, and clear domed lid make this carrier cheerful, as well as functional. The next time you make a beautiful cake, a dozen cupcakes, a batch of brownies or a cookie bar, serve and store the treats in the keeper specifically designed to exhibit your edible artwork and keep it fresh, the lovely Nordic Ware Baker's Basics Cakes & Cupcakes Carrier.

Here's a handy way to serve, store and transport all kids of baked goods. Flat side accommodates rectangular cakes and mini cakes. Reverse side features cupcakes holders. Scalloped red edging snap-up locking handles, and clear domed lid make this carrier cheerful, as well as functional. The next time you make a beautiful cake, a dozen cupcakes, a batch of brownies or a cookie bar, serve and store the treats in the keeper specifically designed to exhibit your edible artwork and keep it fresh, the lovely Nordic Ware Baker's Basics Cakes & Cupcakes Carrier.

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Certain products, such as those containing lithium batteries, incur a $42.50 Hazardous Materials surcharge per carton when shipped via air. This surcharge is not reflected in our freight quotes.

*The estimated charges are not binding quotes; actual charges may vary from estimates by 5-10% or more based on the product and shipping configuration. Small orders and partial boxes are subject to greater variances due to variability in box size