
Prism Fitness - Smart Straps Bodyweight Trainer

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The Smart Straps Bodyweight Trainer provides a smart way to train with your own bodyweight. There are 12 exercises printed directly on the straps for easy reference. Make effortless switches between arm and leg exercises with pre-formed handleand foot cuff combination. Two independent straps are included which have adjustable length and width for various difficulty levels and exercise techniques. The anchors allow straps to be looped and secured to a pull up bar or anchored in a closed doorway. The Smart Straps also include a connector strap for free motion dynamic movement.

The Smart Straps Bodyweight Trainer provides a smart way to train with your own bodyweight. There are 12 exercises printed directly on the straps for easy reference. Make effortless switches between arm and leg exercises with pre-formed handleand foot cuff combination. Two independent straps are included which have adjustable length and width for various difficulty levels and exercise techniques. The anchors allow straps to be looped and secured to a pull up bar or anchored in a closed doorway. The Smart Straps also include a connector strap for free motion dynamic movement.

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