
Ring - Ring Stick Up Cam Plug-In - White

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Get nonstop power for nonstop peace of mind with a versatile camera that goes anywhere inside or out. Ring Stick Up Cam Plug-In is an indoor/outdoor camera that sends notifications to your phone and tablet whenever motion is detected. Answer the notification, and you can see, hear, and speak to people on camera from anywhere. It installs in minutes and plugs into standard power outlets, so you'll never worry about charging a battery. And it goes on flat surfaces so you can move it when you need to or walls for a more permanent solution. Wherever you are, Ring Stick Up Cam Plug-In lets you check in on home at any time.

Get nonstop power for nonstop peace of mind with a versatile camera that goes anywhere inside or out. Ring Stick Up Cam Plug-In is an indoor/outdoor camera that sends notifications to your phone and tablet whenever motion is detected. Answer the notification, and you can see, hear, and speak to people on camera from anywhere. It installs in minutes and plugs into standard power outlets, so you'll never worry about charging a battery. And it goes on flat surfaces so you can move it when you need to or walls for a more permanent solution. Wherever you are, Ring Stick Up Cam Plug-In lets you check in on home at any time.

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