
SUNNY - Stride Zone Magnetic Elliptical Trainer Machine

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Create a total body training experience in the comfort of your own home with the Sunny Health and Fitness SF-E3865 Stride Zone Elliptical. Mount the large non-slip foot pedals designed with a pronounced inner rim to help keep feet in place while you stride. Open your stride to a larger range of motion with the 20-inch stride length as you move the 44-pound flywheel. Get your upper body working with the curved multi-grip, non-slip, full potion handlebars to engage muscles in your arms, chest, shoulders, and back. Increase the intensity of your lower body musculature when you move through 16 levels of motorized smooth belt drive resistance. Each level will test your glutes, thighs, calves, and core to help you progress towards your fitness goals.

Create a total body training experience in the comfort of your own home with the Sunny Health and Fitness SF-E3865 Stride Zone Elliptical. Mount the large non-slip foot pedals designed with a pronounced inner rim to help keep feet in place while you stride. Open your stride to a larger range of motion with the 20-inch stride length as you move the 44-pound flywheel. Get your upper body working with the curved multi-grip, non-slip, full potion handlebars to engage muscles in your arms, chest, shoulders, and back. Increase the intensity of your lower body musculature when you move through 16 levels of motorized smooth belt drive resistance. Each level will test your glutes, thighs, calves, and core to help you progress towards your fitness goals.

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