
Spirit Fitness - XTERRA Fitness Treadmill

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Enhance your health & fitness at home w/ the XTERRA Fitness TRX1000 Folding Treadmill. This feature-rich treadmill will help you maximize your results. Large 5" LCD console is easy-to-read so you can track important workout feedback. Intuitive layout includes 1 to 9 mph Direct Access speed buttons. Integrated bookrack & accessory holders. Smooth & quiet 2.25HP motor delivers a heart-pounding speed range up to 10mph. 3 manual incline settings. 12 preset programs. 16" x 50" running surface. XTRA Soft cushioned deck design for less impact on knees & joints.

Enhance your health & fitness at home w/ the XTERRA Fitness TRX1000 Folding Treadmill. This feature-rich treadmill will help you maximize your results. Large 5" LCD console is easy-to-read so you can track important workout feedback. Intuitive layout includes 1 to 9 mph Direct Access speed buttons. Integrated bookrack & accessory holders. Smooth & quiet 2.25HP motor delivers a heart-pounding speed range up to 10mph. 3 manual incline settings. 12 preset programs. 16" x 50" running surface. XTRA Soft cushioned deck design for less impact on knees & joints.

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