
Spirit Fitness - XTERRA Folding Bike

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The XTERRA FB160 Folding Bike offers a smooth lower-body workout in a convenient folding frame design for easy, on-demand storage & set-up. The small footprint provides a low-impact, heart-healthy workout. With 8 levels of resistance, riders of all types are sure to get a workout that is matched to their fitness level & desired intensity. LCD console displays your most important metrics. An integrated accessory tray in the console holds your phone, tablet, or book. Features a padded seat, oversized adjustable foot pedals & multi-grip padded handlebars.

The XTERRA FB160 Folding Bike offers a smooth lower-body workout in a convenient folding frame design for easy, on-demand storage & set-up. The small footprint provides a low-impact, heart-healthy workout. With 8 levels of resistance, riders of all types are sure to get a workout that is matched to their fitness level & desired intensity. LCD console displays your most important metrics. An integrated accessory tray in the console holds your phone, tablet, or book. Features a padded seat, oversized adjustable foot pedals & multi-grip padded handlebars.

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Certain products, such as those containing lithium batteries, incur a $42.50 Hazardous Materials surcharge per carton when shipped via air. This surcharge is not reflected in our freight quotes.

*The estimated charges are not binding quotes; actual charges may vary from estimates by 5-10% or more based on the product and shipping configuration. Small orders and partial boxes are subject to greater variances due to variability in box size