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Cozzia - Svago Newton ZGR Tan / Dark Walnut Wood

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Luxuriously appointed with buttery-soft upholstery, a hand-carved wood base, and the highest quality memory foam throughout, The Newton's special air-cell massage combined with heat and the zero gravity position allows your muscles to relax, spine to decompress, discs to re-hydrate and blood to circulate throughout the body more deeply and thoroughly - reducing pain and improving healing and health. The cushioning layer of The Newton is 100% high-density memory foam, providing instant and constant support for every part of the body that is in contact with your Svago. Our armrests have been specially engineered to keep your arms in the optimal position. And when you go from upright to zero gravity the armrests continue to keep your body supported and comfortable. This is vitally important for people who are experiencing acute back pain. Weight Cap 400 Lbs Seat Width 22.4

Luxuriously appointed with buttery-soft upholstery, a hand-carved wood base, and the highest quality memory foam throughout, The Newton's special air-cell massage combined with heat and the zero gravity position allows your muscles to relax, spine to decompress, discs to re-hydrate and blood to circulate throughout the body more deeply and thoroughly - reducing pain and improving healing and health. The cushioning layer of The Newton is 100% high-density memory foam, providing instant and constant support for every part of the body that is in contact with your Svago. Our armrests have been specially engineered to keep your arms in the optimal position. And when you go from upright to zero gravity the armrests continue to keep your body supported and comfortable. This is vitally important for people who are experiencing acute back pain. Weight Cap 400 Lbs Seat Width 22.4

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