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Google - KIT Nest Audio & Doorbell

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With integrated Bluetooth and Wi-Fi connectivity, voice control, and home automation support, the chalk Google Nest Audio wireless speaker will connect to your wireless network to provide control of, and access to, virtually all of your smart devices. It can play music, check the weather and traffic, tell you sports scores, make phone calls, control your compatible smart home equipment, and more. Using a far-field microphone array with Voice Match Technology and the Google Assistant, the Nest Audio can perform the requested task in an instant.Nest Hello lets you know who's there, so you never miss a thing. It replaces your existing wired doorbell and delivers HD video and bright, crisp images, even at night. It's designed to show you everything at your doorstep - people head to toe or packages on the ground. And with 24/7 streaming, you can check in anytime. Or go back and look at a 3-hour snapshot history to see what happened.

With integrated Bluetooth and Wi-Fi connectivity, voice control, and home automation support, the chalk Google Nest Audio wireless speaker will connect to your wireless network to provide control of, and access to, virtually all of your smart devices. It can play music, check the weather and traffic, tell you sports scores, make phone calls, control your compatible smart home equipment, and more. Using a far-field microphone array with Voice Match Technology and the Google Assistant, the Nest Audio can perform the requested task in an instant.Nest Hello lets you know who's there, so you never miss a thing. It replaces your existing wired doorbell and delivers HD video and bright, crisp images, even at night. It's designed to show you everything at your doorstep - people head to toe or packages on the ground. And with 24/7 streaming, you can check in anytime. Or go back and look at a 3-hour snapshot history to see what happened.

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