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Tomy - Nickelodeon Paw Patrol Potty & Trainer Seat

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Chase is here to help you and your child during potty training with the Nickelodeon Paw Patrol Potty & Trainer Seat! Featuring a reward chart, stickers, and fun sounds, there's multiple ways to keep your toddler engaged while potty training. The buttons on the "tank" can also be pushed for realistic flushing and cheering sounds after your child uses the potty. A lift-out pot with smooth sides makes it easier to clean up after successful attempts, and the potty ring has a built-in splash guard for less mess.

Chase is here to help you and your child during potty training with the Nickelodeon Paw Patrol Potty & Trainer Seat! Featuring a reward chart, stickers, and fun sounds, there's multiple ways to keep your toddler engaged while potty training. The buttons on the "tank" can also be pushed for realistic flushing and cheering sounds after your child uses the potty. A lift-out pot with smooth sides makes it easier to clean up after successful attempts, and the potty ring has a built-in splash guard for less mess.

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